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- April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019

Rad tech student; grad studies, MLS faculty, students; dental hygiene students gain national, state distinctions
ASRT selects rad tech student for leadership program

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists has selected Chase Keenan, a first-year radiologic sciences student in the School of Health Related Professions, to participate in its 2019 Student Leadership Development Program.
He was elected by his peers at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Mississippi Society of Radiologic Technologists to serve as one of two student delegates representing all radiography students in the state.
Keenan is one of nearly 100 radiologic science students from across the country chosen to participate. He will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2019 ASRT Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting from June 20-23 in Orlando, Florida. He will attend educational courses for students and the House of Delegates meetings, and he will be assigned a professional mentor.
The ASRT represents more than 155,000 members who perform medical imaging procedures or plan and deliver radiation therapy treatments. The society also provides radiologic technology students with the tools, services and support they need to prepare for careers in medical imaging and radiation therapy.
Grad studies students, fellows, faculty rack up EB awards
Members of the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences received multiple awards at the Experimental Biology conference April 6-9 in Orlando, Florida.
EB is the annual meeting of five societies representing more than 12,000 scientists from the fields of anatomy; biochemistry and molecular biology; investigative pathology; pharmacology; and physiology.
UMMC's award recipients included:
Ph.D. students
Erika Guise Williams (physiology and biophysics) and Hannah Turbeville (experimental pharmacology and therapeutics) – Finalists, American Physiological Society Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Portland Press Predoctoral Research Recognition Award
Hannah Turbeville (experimental pharmacology and Therapeutics) - Finalist, APS water and electrolyte homeostasis section Portland Press Predoctoral Research Recognition Award
Elena Dent, Jason Engel and Victoria Wolf (physiology and biophysics) – APS Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award
Victoria Wolf - Selected as a Trainee Advisory Committee representative for the APS Teaching Section
Jason Engel – Finalist, APS Renal Section Predoctoral Excellence in Renal Research Award
Tyler Lomax (physiology and biophysics) and Jamarius Waller (experimental pharmacology and therapeutics) – APS Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award
Edgar Meyer and Ellen Robertson (clinical anatomy) – Finalists, American Association for Anatomists Anatomical Sciences Education/Postdoctoral Education Research Poster Award
Kenji Maeda (experimental pharmacology and therapeutics) - Selected as a Trainee Advisory Subcommittee member of the APS Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section
Redin Spann (neuroscience) - Invited to present a mini-symposium talk following the Joseph Erlanger Distinguished Lectureship
Postdoctoral fellows
Dr. Bhavisha Bakrania and Dr. Jessica Bradshaw (physiology and biophysics) – Finalists, APS Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Juan Carlos Romero Postdoctoral Research Award
Dr. Jessica Bradshaw (physiology and biophysics) - Finalist, APS Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Juan Carlos Romero Postdoctoral Research Award
Dr. Edgar Torres Fernandez (cell and molecular biology) – APS Virendra B. Mahesh Award of Excellence in Endocrinology
Dr. Michael Ryan, (physiology and biophysics) – APS A. Clifford Barger Underrepresented Minority Mentorship Award
MLS faculty, students win ASCLS elections, earn honors
Medical Laboratory Science faculty and students in the School of Health Related Professions were elected officers and received several awards at the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Louisiana and Mississippi 2019 Bi-state Annual Meeting in Monroe, Louisiana.
Those elected into ASCLS offices included: Dr. Jana Bagwell, president; Dr. Rene Wilkins, president-elect; Dr. Felicia Tardy, president of student forum; Dr. Stacy Vance, chair of professional and economic affairs; Dr. LaToya Richards Moore, board of directors; and Dr. Shannon Milbourne, MLS junior student, ASCLS-MS Student Forum president.
Those who received awards during the meeting included: Bagwell, ASCLS Member of the Year and Regional Omicron Sigma Award; Bagwell, Tardy and Vance, State Omicron Sigma Award; and Amira Esmaeil, MLS senior student, MLS Lois B. Jones Scholarship Award.
Dental hygiene students attain national board perfection

Fourth-year dental hygiene students in the School of Dentistry achieved a 100 percent pass rate on their national board exams March 30. All 20 students in the class passed the exam.
The “perfect” pass rate students are: Katie Bragg, McKenzi Bynum, Brittany Clark, Brittany Coleman, Carlee Doty, Brianna Dyess, Madison Evans, Alicia Freeman, Jazzma Hughes, Stephanie Johnson, Bailey Jones, Lauren Kitchens, Molly McCarty, Callie Pope, Ana Popich, Ashley Porter, Makenzie Rials, Addie Spring, Ha Tran and Christy Williamson.